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Ditch The Razor: How To Be Hair-Free

Ditch The Razor: How To Be Hair-Free

Hair removal is a touchy topic. Give your skin better treatment by choosing laser hair removal. When it comes to hair removal it may be tempting to resort to the most accessible tool there is, the razor. But, using a razor regularly can have its downsides. Shaving is not the best way to treat your skin. During the shaving process, running a blade across your legs causes micro tears in the skin. These tears make the skin now susceptible to infections and ingrown hairs. Most of the time the hairs grow back within a matter of days contributing to a revolving door of damaged skin that doesn't get a chance to recover. The hair is broken off right above the skin and immediately starts to grow back again. Ingrown hairs can happen as a result of shaving too often. Shaving can also cause damage to the hair follicles causing itching and razor burn.

Why Laser Hair Removal Is The Best Method Of Hair Removal
A better alternative just might be laser hair removal. Laser hair removal in Michigan provides a safe and effective hair removal facility. Laser hair removal of Michigan also has knowledgeable experts ready to answer any questions you may have. Check your local area for a salon or facility that provides laser hair removal services. It takes only a few treatments to alter how your body grows hair. The laser hair removal process is effective at interrupting "actively growing" hairs during treatment. Laser hair removal gives a smoother result and hairs do not grow back as quickly as they do following other methods. The hairs that do grow back are finer in texture and could possibly be lighter in color. These methods include waxes, razors, or tweezers that are sometimes used. Next to letting your hair grow free, shaving had to be the most accessible and cheapest way to remove unwanted body hair. There are all kinds of hair removal techniques including tweezing, waxing,threading, and more. But, perhaps it could be time to ditch the razor and consider laser hair removal, for the health of your hair and skin.

If you are looking to get laser hair removal in Michigan, visit us at Pure Laser Med Spa. To schedule an appointment contact us today.

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